Our Story

"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting." - E.E. Cummings

Founded in 2007 to address the controversial and most important issues stemming from society, media, and the entertainment industry that limit the healthy development and engagement of youth aged 10 to 18, nationally and internationally. Focusing on institutions and mediums that have attributed to their stagnate success, I Am Worth More works to increase the positive entertainment intake of youth. The facts then were:


  • Low-self esteem, depression and eating disorders are linked to the sexualization of girls prevalent in advertising, merchandising and media (American Psychological Association-Report of the APA Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls, February 2007).
  • More than half of all African American men do not finish high school. (Peter Edelman and Paul Offner, Reconnecting Disadvantaged Young Men, Urban Institute Press, 2006). In addition, of the nation’s 5.6 million black boys more than half live in fatherless households, 40 percent of which are impoverished.
  • Murder at the hands of a romantic partner is a leading cause of death among African American women between the ages of 15 and 24 (National Center for Health Statistics).
  • One in every 20 African American men over the age of 18 is in a state or federal prison, compared to one in every 180 whites. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, African American victimization rates in 2000 were 20 percent higher than those of the general public. Homicide rates are five times higher than that of the general population for several decades, and for African American males between the ages of 15 and 34, homicide is the primary cause of death. 

Research has shown that media violence may cause aggressive and antisocial behavior, desensitize viewers to future violence and increase perceptions that they are “living in a mean and dangerous world” (American Academy of Pediatrics). In addition, nearly two out of three TV programs contain some violence, averaging six violent acts per hour (Kaiser Family Foundation, Spring 2003). By age 18, a U.S. youth will have seen 16,000 simulated murders and 200,000 acts of violence (American Psychiatric Association). In 2003, market research firm Motivational Educational Entertainment (MEE) Productions surveyed thousands of low-income African American youths and found the acceptance of abuse is on the rise. Many felt there were plenty of situations in which violence against a woman is justified. 

The often misogynistic, racist, sexist, and violent content and images in society, media, and entertainment and the degradation and sexualization of women and girls permeate throughout the world. As a result, the organization focuses on our world’s contribution and influence on self-image, education, poverty, health, injustice, and violence amongst youth. I Am Worth More helps youth discover they are worth more than the limitations society places them in. In addition, the organization highlights and uses the positive elements of society, mass media, and entertainment to set youth on a path to a more productive life.

Our Mission

I Am Worth More counters the negative effects society and the entertainment industry has on today’s youth and prevents future generations from being influenced in ways which limit them from accessing their full potential.

Our Beliefs

Our work is guided by our vision of youth who positively take charge of their lives and dispel the negative influences in their environment. We believe that youth, regardless of social and economic status, should be valued, respected, and protected. Through empowerment and support, youth can make critical decisions and understand the consequences—good or bad— that result.

Our Values

I Am Worth More believes that all youth, regardless of social or economic status, have the capacity to take charge of their lives and should be enabled and empowered to make critical decisions for their futures.

  • Create opportunities and the conditions for success
  • Serve all with integrity, fairness, and respect
  • Persevere through challenges, evolve, and respond
  • Meet the moment, the mission, uplift, and make a positive impact
  • Collaborate, learn, and contribute experience, gifts, skills, and talents

What We Do


The Rock My Good merchandise program is the central way we inspire, motivate, encourage and get others, through gifting our products, to do the same. In addition, our advertising is designed to demonstrate that positive and uplifting messages can also generate sales. 


 I Am Worth More promotes the range of services, programs, workshops, events, products and other activities offered by youth serving nonprofit organizations and for-profit brands to educate youth and their parents on what is available to assist them in reaching their full potential and developing healthy lives.


Through our signature programs and services we: coordinate events, workshops, and engagements; develop activities, curriculum, and products to help schools, communities, and organizations support or recognize youth; create content to assist youth on their journey of defining and getting to know who they are, developing a healthy outlook on themselves, and being more accountable for how they interact and engage with others. 

Meet The Team